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Admission to F.Y.J.C. Commerce stream is online after the S.S.C results are declared by the Mumbai Divisional Board of the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Pune.

Eligibility Criteria

  • A student who has passed in the first attempt, the S.S.C. Examination conducted by the Mumbai Divisional Board of the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Pune (hereinafter called “The Board”), or any other examination recognized as equivalent there to by the Board is eligible for admission to the F.Y.J.C. class.
  • Candidate who has earned A.T.K.T at the S.S.C examination will be granted provisional admission to F.Y.J.C Class but his / her results of the F.Y.J.C class will be kept in abeyance till the candidate clears the subject in which he / she has earned A.T.K.T.
  • Admission for those passing an Examination other than that conducted by the Board is provisional till the Final Eligibility Certificate is issued by the Mumbai Divisional Board and is submitted to the college. The student should apply for Eligibility Certificate to the Mumbai Divisional Board through the college along with his / her necessary documents before the notified date, failing which his / her admission is liable to be cancelled.

Admission Procedure

  • For admission to the F.Y.J.C. class, it is necessary to produce the following documents together with an attested copy of each of the following-
  • S.S.C. Exam Passing Certificate
  • Statement of Marks of the examination mentioned above
  • School Leaving Certificate
  • Eligibility Certificate in case of those passing an examination other than that conducted by the Board
  • The students are hereby informed that the original School / Junior College Leaving Certificate will be kept by the College as a Permanent Record and in any case, will not be returned to the student. The students are advised to keep with them sufficient number of attested copies for future use, if necessary.
  • As the original School Leaving Certificate is required to be produced at the time of getting a Domicile Certificate, the students are advised to take due care in this regard and make necessary arrangement in such cases. (The School Leaving Certificate once submitted to the college will NOT be returned in any case)
  • A student who has passed the F.Y.J.C. (Std. XI) exam from a recognized institution in Maharashtra, or any other examination recognised as equivalent thereto by the Board is eligible for admission to the S.Y.J.C. (Std. XII) class.
  • No admission shall be valid unless it is granted by the Principal and the necessary fee is paid by the student.
  • All admissions are valid only for one academic year and are required to be renewed by a fresh application in the prescribed form for every subsequent year of study in the college.
  • A fair chance will be given to a student of this college, to be admitted to a higher class, provided application for the purpose in the prescribed form, duly filled in, has been received with the necessary fees within the notified period.


  • Seats are reserved for backward class students from minority groups such as SC / ST / OBC/ NT / DT / EBC / SBC as per Govt. Rules. Students belonging to the reserved classes are required to submit Caste Certificate issued by the concerned competent Authorities, along with the caste validity certificate.
  • Students belonging to the Hindi Linguistic Minority Status should produce an affidavit or school leaving certificate record proving that their mother tongue is Hindi.
  • Parents should insist on fee receipt from the college office immediately on payment of fees to the college.